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Sometimes it's clear for me to see how much he loves me but other times I feel like he doesn't care at all.

Tagged as: Dating, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (31 October 2010) 5 Answers - (Newest, 1 November 2010)
A female United States age 30-35, *ourtneyybrookee writes:

I don't really know what to say about this situation so I'm just gonna vent and ask for advice. I've been with my boyfriend for almost 4 months. I've had my share of boyfriend and he's only the second one I've ever loved. He loves me too and I can honestly see myself with him for a long time. Sometimes it's clear for me to see how much he loves me but other times I feel like he doesn't care at all. When I bring it up to him he tells me he loves me and there's nothing to worry about. I know that I would be miserable without him but sometimes I feel like maybe it would be better off that way. Can anyone give me some kind of advice please? :/

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A female reader, Miss Taterbutt United States +, writes (1 November 2010):

Miss Taterbutt agony auntI agree with the anonymous commenter. Women have a tendency to put too much emphasis on everything, especially love. Nine times out of a ten, even when a guy tells, or does special things to show us that he cares and loves us to pieces, we still aren't that satisfied.

For some unknown reason, we somehow need constant reassurance, and in that meantime, fail to realize that, despite how often, and possibly how little our men tell us that they love us, we still have doubts. If he hasn't given you any significant reason to not believe that he does, then don't worry too much about it.

Believe him.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (31 October 2010):

Tell him to be loving towards you. And you guys should try doing things together like going out to dinner and taking walks. If you tell him exactly what you need and want, he will have a clearly picture of how he should act.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (31 October 2010):

I having the same exact problem. I told my bf to write me a letter telling me what is it that I mean to him to help me make my decision on wheter I should stay or leave.

I hope you can figure out what's best for you. Is only been 4 months you still have time to pull away.

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A female reader, Miss Taterbutt United States +, writes (31 October 2010):

Miss Taterbutt agony auntI'm not really sure what you're wanting to gather from us here. What exactly does he do, to make you feel as if he does not love you anymore? Guys aren't always the best at showcasing love, but that does not mean he doesn't care about you.

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A female reader, PatientlyWaiting1 United States +, writes (31 October 2010):

Men and women express their love differently. He cannot possibly be on all the time, showing you he loves you always. That is unnatural. Take his word for it and appreciate when he does show you. He has a life outside of you so when you feel he is not showing you just do not take it personal. I understand how you feel, I am pretty sure most women understand but it is just one of those things that really show the diffferences between men and women. I dont know about you, but always showing me how much he loved me would smother me. Good luck

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