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Should I give this boy up now or carry on living in a pretend world?

Tagged as: Dating, Long distance, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (4 August 2009) 2 Answers - (Newest, 4 August 2009)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Well in April i was with my ex.. then my boyfriend and his friend from wales came down with is about two hours away from where we live. When he went home i added him on bebo and we got talking and then when me and my bf broke up we got quite close (we didnt break up because of him) however now about 4 months have passed and weve talked and talked and talked about anything and everything. i know i really like him and i think i love him as well were so close and when hes drunk he fones or texts me usually and tells me he loves me and that im amazing and he really loves me and i do the same. my point is he lives in wales and i really do love him but we could never work shud i carry on in a pretend world or give it up now before i end up hurt and deeper in.. Thanx :)

View related questions: bebo , broke up, drunk, my ex, text

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (4 August 2009):

think of the consequences. will you be happy being like this? the greatest problme in long distance relationships is insecurity, and as girls we tend to think a bit too much about such stuff. if you are happpy like this, let it be, a change can be very unpredictable.


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A reader, anonymous, writes (4 August 2009):

I suppose it depends. Would you be happy having this kind of relationship, leaving it as it is? Or would you prefer to have a more "real" one, where you see each other and can physically be with each other? It depends on what you feel able to handle.

But is there no way to bring this pretend world into the real world? Can it not be made real? Would it be possible for you two to visit each other sometimes? Or meet somewhere halfway for both of you? Long-distance relationships can be hard work, but they do work. Again, I suppose it just depends on how you feel you will be able to cope with the situation.

Have you asked him how he feels about this? Is he happy to keep the relationship as it is, or would he like more?

If you would rather stay in the relationship as it is, that is fine. If you don't think you can handle it, that is fair enough too. But like I mentioned before, there is a middle ground to be found. Don't be too quick to give up on this guy if you really like him and he likes you too. Although it might be a bit difficult, I'm sure there are ways around the situation. But you need to speak to him about this, and look into possible solutions.

Whatever you choose to do, good luck. x

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