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She has lied to me and she is a bit of a sex freak. How do I accept this?

Tagged as: Dating, Sex, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (8 December 2009) 0 Answers - (Newest, )
A male United States age 41-50, anonymous writes:

I think I've had enough. OK. Been dating her three months. Everything seemed great at first. But now everything has come around. She lied to me about her neighbor guy friend coming over because she didn't want to admit she was smoking weed with any one. She almost has a double life with me a normal guy with a future and her pot smoking friends. SHe is a nympho. Showed me her ankle and wrist straps on her bed but swears they were never used and are only a couple weeks old. Then I couldn't find a sock the other morning so I dug around and under her bed I found a box of dildos, sexually explicit toys, pornos, and a fucking strap on. Thats it I've had it. I can understand a little sexual experimentation but COME ON!!! Now I am pretty sure she isn't sleeping around on me but I may be wrong....... But even so, why would I want to be in a relationship like that? I mean she genuinely seems like a sweet wonderful person and introduces me to all of her friends. I've driven over and surprised her a couple times and she has been thrilled every time. I don't think she is screwing around. But give me some insight please........I do love her and I don't know what to do.

View related questions: dildo, porn

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