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He says he wants to be with me, but he still lives with his ex..

Tagged as: Gay relationships, Three is a crowd<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 February 2005) 1 Answers - (Newest, 23 February 2005)
A , anonymous writes:

I am in a gay relationship. Met a guy 9 months ago, that I can live my entire life with but just broke up with his ex 6 months after meeting him. He still lives with his ex at present.

He seems to have indicated that he will be with me, until yesterday he said he needs time to think things through. He said he definitely loves me and his ex are over. But he says he has inner conflicts or curiosities he has to face because he don't want things to happen like what happen to him and his ex.

Background is, he thinks he hasn't discovered himself being a gay man coz he's been straight till after 2 years ago. We agreed not to see each other for 3 weeks.

Did we do the right thing? Please help me, it hurts so much. I just want advice.

View related questions: broke up, his ex

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A reader, Eli, writes (23 February 2005):

I think you've done the right thing by splitting up for a while. This has made you realise that you hurt when you're apart from him, you feel hurt and upset. I wouldn't worry about his ex, or the fact that he hasn't discovered which sex he is attracted to. As long as you feel comfortable with your decision that's great. If he loved you like you do him, then he wouldn't get involved with his ex. If you realise he's cheating, then play hard to get! If he still wants you then go back to him but don't play easy.

Sorry if this hasn't helped but I sincerely hope it has.


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