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Question relation investigation

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Question - (14 October 2006) 1 Answers - (Newest, 14 October 2006)
A female , anonymous writes:


Can you please answer the following:

I had been accusing my partner of lying about why he had not answered me one night and I want to know whether his reply makes sense IN RELATION to the question being asked.

I then asked 'How do I know that you not answering me regarding Mary when I said "All I think about is whether you thought Mary was prettier than me at any time and not worrying about my cats" the night J died wasn't because you thought she was prettier than me at some time but didn't like to say or lie coz J had just died.'

I want to know whether the following reply to this sentence makes sense in relation to what was being asked: "J just dying has nothing to do with me lying coz I didn't lie about the reason I didn't answer you about Mary the night J died".



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A female reader, shania United Kingdom +, writes (14 October 2006):

shania agony auntI think you need a shrink dear.

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