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Pursued my x for months but now i have him, the feelings have gone!

Tagged as: Breaking up, Faded love<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (21 May 2006) 2 Answers - (Newest, 21 May 2006)
A female , anonymous writes:

I spent 4 months trying to get back with my ex, and it's finally happened. But for some reason i'm not enjoying it. I think i had finally excepted that it was over, and we were beginning to become 'just friends', but he asked to meet up yesterday, and we ended up laying in the park for 2 hours, just holding eachother and kissing and stuff. I felt pretty much nothing. What's wrong with me? This guy has taken over my life for 6 months and all of a sudden i'm no longer interested. He thinks we can just pick up where we left off, but i feel the need to start afresh, but it's so hard.

View related questions: kissing, my ex

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A female reader, matron +, writes (21 May 2006):

matron agony auntHi,Ask yourself why you thought you wanted him back, was it because someone else had him? or you wanted to prove to him that he needed you? or prove to yourself that you could get him back? what ever the reason it wasn't because you loved the bones of him or couldn't live without him. Talk to your ex ask how he feels, he may be feeling bulldozed into this who knows, you said you've worked hard to get to this stage. Imagination is a law unto itself we always imagine that things are going to be so perfect, the chase is often much more exciting than the catch and this just may be the case, dont rush in or out of this situation talk to him you'll both realise what it is you both want. Good luck LoLx

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A reader, anonymous, writes (21 May 2006):

Have you heard of the phrase "The chase is better than the catch" - or something like that.

Maybe you wanted to prove to yourself that you could still get him?

Perhaps by managing to get him, it's given you a degree of self confidence, perhaps when you broke up, you felt like it was your fault, and by getting back with him after all this time it's shown that you are actually in control?

I think with some people, it's sometimes true that trying to pursue them is more attractive than actually having them. Tis weird, but then again we are people, hardly the most logical of animals... :)

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