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Parents forcing me to live in a Smokey enviroment while I'm pregnant

Tagged as: Health, Pregnancy<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (14 June 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 14 June 2009)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

my mum and dad have always smoked, they smoked when my mum was pregnant with me, took me in smoky environments when i was a baby and chain smoked around me. my mum tried to quit smoking but my dad would smoke in her face so she started again. iv tried talking to my parents about the effects of smoking but my dad always says "well your grandmother smoked and lived into her 80s so theres nothing wrong with it" my mum says "id rather die young then be in a old peoples home doing nothing all day" my mum has health issues atm where she coughs all the time, she wont link it to smoking she just says she has a cold. my dad always complains about not having any money and i said well if you give up smoking you'll have so much more money, he shouts at me and says "im not giving up my enjoyment just because you want extra money" im now 9weeks pregnant and live in my bedroom cus i dont want to breath in their smoke, they dont seem to care they are harming me and my baby, there is no getting through to them, what should i do? im looking for a house/flat but im still concerned about my baby

View related questions: grandmother, money

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (14 June 2009):

Did you ask your parents if they wanted another baby in the house and would they quit smoking if you brought one in? Well then, you can't demand them to do things the way you wish in their own home. That is what you get to do in YOUR home...go find you one.

I don't think young women have the right to demand that others be involved with the raising of their children. Having a child is your choice and also your responsibility.

Harsh, but true.

Where is the father of this baby?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (14 June 2009):

Maybe if you weren't dependent on your parents, this would not be a problem. It's completely selfish of you to order them about because of your baby. It's your baby, not theirs. Tell your husband to provide a decent environment for your child.

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A female reader, meg2989 United States +, writes (14 June 2009):

meg2989 agony auntWell you should be worried about your baby. You have every right as a mother to worried about your baby. I dont know how far along you are but if there is any way you would be able to afford rent elsewhere then you should try to maybe stay somewhere else. If that is not an option for you then I honestly think you should take them on a tour of a hospitl and observe the premature babies. While some babies just happen to be born premature due to complications or because they arrived a little early, a majority of premature and or sickly babies is due to smoking and drug abuse. Perhaps if they saw the harm smoking can do to your babies they would change their mind. Heck try blaming it on your doctor say your doctor gave you strict orders not to be in an environment where you are exposed to smoke. That would be the truth too. Or maybe you could go to a clinic where you could get pamphlets stating and showing what can happen to mom and baby when exposed to a smokers environment. Try that and see if they take it seriously. Just because its the way your parents were raised does not mean that its right. I hope they see the harm that it can possibly do to your baby. Good luck honey, i really hope you can get the message across. Best wishes to you and your baby and congratulations!!!!

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