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Parent friendly ideas to surprise my boyfriend in the morning.

Tagged as: Love stories, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 March 2010) 3 Answers - (Newest, 21 March 2010)
A female United Kingdom age 26-29, *overgirlxx writes:

ok well im off to suprise my boyfriend tommorrow ive planned it with his mum. im going to get to his house before he wakes up in the morning and then snuggle with him until he wakes up as he keeps wishing that he could wake up to my beautiful face :D . but i want to do something more than just arrive and sit on the end of his bed. whats romantic and cute and easy to do in a small room at 8am? thanks :)

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A reader, anonymous, writes (21 March 2010):

aww that sounds completely adorable! I would just cuddle with him until he woke up and have breakfast in bed :] I believe it will make him incredibly happy and make him melt over you :]

Good luck!

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A female reader, TasteofIndia United States +, writes (21 March 2010):

TasteofIndia agony auntMake him breakfast!! Cuddle up to him and wake him up with the scent of his favorite girl, pancakes and bacon. I can't imagine a man alive who wouldn't swoon with joy!

Good luck, sweetness! You sound too cute for words!

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A female reader, Entirely Unique United Kingdom +, writes (20 March 2010):

Entirely Unique agony auntSometimes it is just the simple things that really do mean the most.

Personally I would just sneak into the bed with him and cuddle up with him, if you want him to wake up I would give him kisses until he does otherwise just lay there with him until he wakes on his own.

He keeps wishing he could wake up to your face, that's what I would give him.

Other than that a lovely cuppa goes down well first thing in the morning.

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