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On the Wayside - poem

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Article - (22 May 2007) 0 Comments - (Newest, )
A male American Samoa age 41-50, sleepyhollow writes:

All of us have different ways of dealing with the stresses of relationships, life, and emotional chaos. Myself, I am one of those for whom poetry comes easily. Most of the time they just kind of pop in my head when I'm in a funky mood.

Here's one of my latest:

Upon the Wayside, On the Road to Elvendell

I stand upon the wayside on the way to Elvendell

Where music's laughter weeps with tears of bliss

And the starlight dances to the peals of bells

And there I stand, upon the wayside, on the way to Elvendell.

Silver moonlight, washes starlight, until it fades away

Faeries dance, in toadstool stands, twinkling as they sway.

I stand upon the wayside, on the way to Elvendell,

And see with eyes of misty sighs, that happy are the fae.

Tears of joy, and tears of sadness, trickle from my eyes

Who am I to stand here, upon the wayside, on the way to Elvendell

Where faeries play in moonlit hay, too sweet to say good bye

To a fellow traveler, on the road again, to seek out Elvendell

Where my Lady Light, upon her steed of moonlit white,

Rides with haste to meet me there, to seek me as I arrive,

To Elvendell, where love awaits, this road will pass on by

As I am standing here, upon the road, at the wayside toll,

Far beyond the bend, where the road continues on to ride

Elvendell, oh Elvendell - may my lover find you whole,

And join her, I shall, myself, my spirit, or my soul.

I stand upon the wayside on the way to Elvendell,

And here I'll stand, until I know this road leads not to Hell.

I've paid the toll in tears of gold, with love long lost and winter tossed

My sadness is one that legends' say on high,

Spins and twists, upon the wind, and love has gone awry.

To Elvendell, my love has gone, and without my soul to go along

Where Elvendell, Oh Elvendell, far away is my lover's home.

She looks upon the moon, she speaks unto the stars

She gazes into waters, drawn from the river Styx,

And she watches as I stumble, still leagues away from her arms

Her tears mix with those of starlight's cheers, for I had never came,

In fair Elvendell, home of the mighty fae, my lover waited, on the long, long day

And far beyond the bend, by the wayside toll

I lay down in clover beds, and far away slipped my soul.

My lover, may she no longer shed her tears, hopefully she shall know

That long had I loved her, when she had left her home,

To Elvendell she'd upped and gone, but never had I known

That this road I travelled on, to Elvendell did not go.

She did wait for me, and long did she strive for a love so true

But never did I come for her, to sweep her into my arms,

Ever long did she wait, to never feel my charm.

Elvendell, to Elvendell - I hope my lover found again her smile,

Alas, my bones sleep beside the wayside, never to walk another mile.

Written by: xxxxxxxxxxx - May, 2007

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