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My girlfriend is abusing me and the police don't help

Tagged as: Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (15 December 2008) 3 Answers - (Newest, 15 December 2008)
A male United States age , anonymous writes:

About 16 months ago, I buy a House with my GirlFriend.

She have one Girl (18) and a boy (15).

The house have 3 Bedroom and 2 rooms.

3 months after moving in to the house, I ask permission (yes. permission) to go to my friends house to visit ( a couple that I live with for 14 years).. and my girlfriend give me permission.

% hours lates, I go back to my house with some food give it to me for my friends.

My girlfriend star to scream on my.. using profinity and put the food in the garbage... then.. She toll me that I have to move out from the house..

She toll me. -" if you don't move out.. I will call the POlice and will acuse you of Domestic Violence.. and you will be arested... and I ask the court for a restring orden"..

During the next week, I was not allow to spleep on the master room. and the bed.

I sleep on the floor.. in the living room.

Finally.. I move out.

But.... after 5 months separate.. we talk .. and we go back...

During the 5 months... She have another men.. and that men stay occasionally in the house.

When she toll me that.. I accept it.. and toll her... "- Well,, i will give you another prove of love and I will forget the incident".

I work monday to friday. When I finish at work.. I go home and I cook and Fix the House.

I'm not allow to have friends in the House, call anybody or nobody can call me on the phone.

I have no Opinion in the house... If I want to express my Opinion in references to anything in the House... she will toll me "THIS IS MY HOUSE".

One day ( 1 week ago).. I was painting outside the house and she go out with the Boy and told me.."We going to the movies".

I ask. "Are you taking the boy or you will stay watching the movie ?"She told me.._I'm going to watch the Movie too'-

! hour later I told her daughter that I was going to go to the boat show.. and to let her mother know.

When I go back home,, my girlfriend told me the same that she told me the first time telling my that I have to move out from the house,

This time i told her no.. That I have rights on the property too and she can not put me to sleep under the Freeway yes because she want.

She used profanity.. she screamed on my... etc.

but this time... i have evrything in a recording machine.. so I call the POlice.

When the police get home... I explained the situation..

and I told the POlice Officer that I have everything recorder.

The POlice told me... Is nothing we can do.

No physical abuse...

I told the POlice.. what about metal abuse, Intimidation,etc?

And the POlice told me... that is not include in the Domestic Violence act.

Now... during the last week.. i'm sleeping on the floor one more time on the living room.

I can not sleep well because she is always doing noises.. no matter the time.

I offered to sell the House and she told me to get out. That she is the owner of the House.

If i live the House.. will be consider :abandon the Property.. and she will have the rights on the property.

I feel alone... no body can help me.

I believe she is causing on me cruelty when I'm not allow to use a room in the house to have privacy and have a bed.. and I have to sleep on the floor in the living room....

I feel mental abuse...intimidate..

Oh.. I can not Eat any food... because she told me she is the one who buy the food.

( I pay $500.00 a month to cover my Part ).

What can I do ?

It is any place that I can go for Help ?

I'm a 50 years man..

I think Because I'm a men.. No one will help me..

I'm desperate.. I can not take this any more..

Thank.. Armando

View related questions: at work, violent

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A male reader, agtorange United States +, writes (15 December 2008):

agtorange agony auntIf I were you I'd put my foot down, and make it clear that I'm more than just a guest.

I'd suggest you get a lawyer though, you could do without someone like that.

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A female reader, abbie_x United Kingdom +, writes (15 December 2008):

abbie_x agony auntto me it sounds like she is slightly looney!!

she is taking you for a ride and she has no right to be in your home... it is yours... on the legal papers it says it is yours!

the best thing to do is to wait till her and her children are out one day... pack up hers and her childrens things take them to her parents or relatives or simply leave them on your doorstep... have your locks changed so she cannot get in!

she sounds like a bully and no one deserves to be treated how you are!

for the police to say that there is nothing to do is disgusting... you are a victim and they should do whatever they can to help you... man or not you have rights and they are far more important than hers i believe

if she can treat her boyfriend like this then i hate to think how she is with her own children and what sort of role model she is turning out to be?

seriously get her out

your house, your life, and she is ruining them both

or simply get the documents showing you are the owner of the house and take them to the police and tell them that your girlfriend is trying to kick you out of your own home and you do not want her to live there anymore but she will not leave she insists the house is hers not yours... they should do something, they have to its their job!!!

good luck, x

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (15 December 2008):

Forgive my bluntness but what you need to do is grow a set of balls and stand up for yourself. If you keep backing down she will walk all over you. Go out with your friends, come home and get into bed. If she tells you to get lost, tell her she can sleep on the sofa.

Ultimately if nothing works and you are miserable, speak to a lawyer about divorce etc

Keep your recordings in a safe place and under no circumstances revleal them to your wife.

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