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My friend is immature and a problem

Tagged as: Friends, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (7 January 2009) 2 Answers - (Newest, 7 February 2010)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

i have a friend who she thinks she is my best friend. she seems to be bipolar, but idk. i love her, but hate the way she acts, she is loud, immature, and stubborn. ive tried to tell her but she doesnt understand.

she also doesnt have really any friends, im the only REAL friend she has, and its hard cuz i am hiding my boyfriend from her, so i hate that she always tries to be with me, while i want to be with him.

she also loves to make a big deal about everything!!!

like im really mature for my age, and i people tell me i have to comprehend that people dont think like me, but idk, i think she is super immature, i dont expect a drama from EVERY guy she talks to.

and i understand that u have to accept people, but she is so embarassing to take out, but we are friends so i cant deny her from coming.

do i tell her to change?

or how do i help her mature?

View related questions: best friend, immature

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A female reader, princessskater1995 United Kingdom +, writes (7 February 2010):

to be honest my best friend is practically thhe same as urs! she is soo loud outside i feel i cant take her anywhere! she shouts random and rude stuff in the street like "balls" and worse! and if there is a boy i fancy she will deliberatly shout across the school his name and say that i fancy him!! its annoying!! but i wished she would grow up sometimes, even though it can be a laugh with her sometimes it can go to far! i dont know what to do either!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (9 January 2009):

My best friend is a clone of yours!!! Im mature for my age too. Shes incredibly loud and really immature! But ya no what I do I link arms with her and skip down the streets singing the wizard of oz songs lol Its fun sometimes to be random and to be abit of a spaz...just not all the time. =)

All the best xx

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