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My cross dressing partner and I made love and it blew me away! In fact it was the single most exciting sexual experience I've ever had in my life!!!

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Question - (8 September 2007) 4 Answers - (Newest, 10 September 2007)
A female United Kingdom age 51-59, anonymous writes:

hi, Could I get some advice about my current relationship with my cross dressing partner? I've just come to terms with his female side alicia, at 6ft 5inch tall and 6ft8ish with his heels fantastic legs and a figure even us women should be jealous of, she is a very powerful and decadent image to me, I have spent hours just talking to her about everything but have yet to deal with any emotions that transgendered couples have to deal with. He is still hetrosexual and a man underneath but last night something happened when he was dressed, we made love passionatly, in fact it was the single most exciting sexual experience I've ever had in my life, it blew my mind, I'm not a lesbian or attracted to women but I just couldn't help myself, the trouble is that now it has happened I've found myself feeling very guilty about the whole thing, I was sexually abused when I was a child and sex is a tough one for me anyway, I feel dirty and uncomfortable about the whole thing, am I losing my marbles for doing this?

View related questions: jealous, lesbian

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A male reader, whizzy456 United Kingdom +, writes (10 September 2007):

I wish my wife was like you,I ve been crossdressing for sometime,this has now stopped due to family and also my Father is living with us.If we were to attempt something like that we would have to be very careful.I don't think it will happen even though my wife knows about my crossdressing.She has hinted/suggested that I dress the same has her for sex,nothing ever came of it.She has this habit of diverting attention away from anything she finds difficult,even though both of us have reached a conclusion that sex has become boring and uninteresting.Not been able to crossdress is frustrating,even though I've learned to cope with this no matter how difficult it may be.I would never force my wife into something shes not comfortable with.

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A female reader, Nevalearn Australia +, writes (9 September 2007):

Sounds like it would be fun. I couldn't imagine my hubby in a dress, not with his beer belly huh. But most people get up to all sorts of things in the bedroom, so I would say enjoy! I hope you are getting help with your past experiences. Does he want to dress as a women permanently? That would be a different issue to deal with, but the sex - go for it.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (8 September 2007):

You probably only liked it b/c it was something new with someone you love and feel comfortable with. But are you sure he's not gay because that is what makes men want to dress as a woman, because they are women inside and attracted to men as well, just like a woman. He may not be ready to tell you that he's gay and doesn't want to lose you. Be careful as in, use protection b/c he may be sleeping with men.

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A male reader, duce00 United States +, writes (8 September 2007):

duce00 agony auntIf you are in a happy relationship and he gives you the love and respect you deserve, then I'd say SO WHAT!

Sure you feel awkward and you have some issues with abuse in the past but that shouldnt be a reason to feel bad about your love life any more than if he was into some other form of interesting sexual behavior with you. Just so long as it was consentual and mutually enjoyable.

Do you want me to say i dont think its kinky? Honey, I think its kinky as all get out! But I could be considered kinky by somebody elses standards too. I might also be considered stodgy and traditional as well. Maybe theres people out there that would think your just rather plain jane. See, who cares what people think as long as you are happy and content with your life.

Be happy!


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