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My boyfriend dumped me to take care of his ex who said she was suffering abuse (which was a lie) Can I win him back?

Tagged as: Breaking up, The ex-factor<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (24 July 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 25 July 2007)
A female United States age , anonymous writes:

my bfs ex came for a visit for a break from her husband. their marriage has been strained after her deabilitating stroke. she said she was being abused, i agreed to a "visit". this is the woman that my bf said he would never live with again, she is a user and an alcoholic. after she got there, she told him she would not go back and that no one else would take her. she knew she was coming to stay and told no one else..later found out there was no abuse, her allegations were investigated in her home state. the bf dumped me. said he was planning on spending the rest of his life with me, but she has no where to go and needs him. i'm still in shock.

i know she is bad news, he used to think she was. i don't know if he will come to his senses about this situation or not. i still want him back, to go forward with the life we were building together.

all this came a few months after his mom died, i think that since he wasn't there for her, he wants to be there for his ex.

is he lost forever?

View related questions: a break, alcoholic, his ex

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A female reader, latinacuttie485 United States +, writes (25 July 2007):

I think you shouldn't wait for him just let him go if he went back to be with his ex then he still has some type of feelings for her and if he really loves you he would have not left

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (24 July 2007):

i'm sorry for all that. well done for coping so far! : )

Have you tried talking to him?

it's like on 'neighbours' when elle pretended to be terminally ill just so dillan would stay with her and not get back with sky.

anyway, does he know about the fact she lied? if he has found out that she lied and is still with her then something else is going on.

good luck honey, XxxX

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