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Married man dilemma!

Tagged as: Big Questions, Marriage problems<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (1 September 2009) 5 Answers - (Newest, 3 September 2009)
A male Mauritius age 51-59, anonymous writes:


Whenever I heard of stories of women falling in love with married men, I always used to say to myself that this is never going to happen to me. But right now I am faced with the truth that I do have feelings for a married man. Well, I cannot say that I love him but I do feel something for him. We cross each other in the office every now and then and every time I see him, I feel something but I have always hidden my feelings.

It would have been so good that I do not feel this way for him but unfortunately I cannot control my feelings. Now I do not know what to do. On one hand I want to tell him about my feelings and go out with him, I know what it is to go out with a married man, in the end you end up waiting for him to come. On the other hand I just want to reason myself and try to prevent these feelings. Your help in this situation will be most appreciated.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (3 September 2009):

"I think I will tell him about my feelings as I think that he should know that I have such feelings for him"

you just deliberately became the other woman. stop the bullshitting. you know what you want and you are knowingly setting a trap for your married man.

oh, we women are so conniving when we want a married man, aren't we?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (2 September 2009):

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Thanks for your helpful advice which will definitely help me to take the correct decision. I think I will tell him about my feelings as I think that he should know that I have such feelings for him. But I won't expect anything from him as I know that any relationship that I can have with him will be one that is predominantly sexual as I'm not going to give myself this illusion that he is going to love me. Now I have to decide if I want that kind of relationship or not. When you have no expectations, you have no deceptions. Again thanks a lot

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (1 September 2009):

Feel what you feel, but don't tell him. You are a girl, he is a guy, married one, of-course he'll probably go with you why not this the attitude most of them have. especially when you came to him hot and ready, no effort need to be made. Men are so spoiled these days, they don't want to do anything for a woman anymore. Don't be an easy catch, you will only suffer at the end.

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A female reader, kayla20 United Kingdom +, writes (1 September 2009):

kayla20 agony auntHey, I think maybe try and keep your distance but if that is impossible ask to speak with him in private and let him know that you have feelings for him. He is married and maybe happy so best not to try and wreck the marriage but it might be a little easier to know that he knows how you feel.everything will work out in the end even if you dont end up with him

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A male reader, Zaph United States +, writes (1 September 2009):

I think the reason some women are attracted to married men is because they know that they cant have them, or at least without wrecking some relationships. Funny how the mind works like that, you dont really notice something till its gone, isnt that correct? Anyways i digress, i would hold off on your feelings because for one, he is married...a holy union under whatever diety you choose. If you were in his wifes shoes and someone did that to your husband would u not think of doing something that results in prison time, not saying youd act, but youd think you want to make his wife feel that ? granted its not that fair to yourself but life is unfair and hard thats just our trials to make us stronger as people, you will find someone im sure, you sound like a nice compassionate woman im sure many men would view themselves as lucky to be with you, but married men are not like that, they play women because it makes them feel powerful and like they can do anything since they hid their mistress from their wife

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