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Just broke up with g/f and attracted to another boy

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Question - (15 June 2009) 2 Answers - (Newest, 15 June 2009)
A male Brunei Darussalam age 30-35, anonymous writes:

hey,i just broke up with my girl a few months ago after i caught her cheating,i got tired of girls and i dont know why all of a sudden i was attracted to my friends new neighbour,jake,that other night when my friend was having a party.A few weeks later after the party,we became so close,and that is when he said that he liked me.I dont know what to say or do..I like him too,but,you know..We're both boys..I dont wanna tell anyone about this,not even my friends.So you got to help me on this one.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (15 June 2009):

You know, there are going to be people throughout life that don't follow the rules. She's one of them. I can see why you're hurt, But the thing of it is, you shouldn't rush into anything because your g/f hurt you. that's just part pf the healing. I would suggest that you give it some time to sort your feelings and get interested in another girl, don't just jump the fence because your g/f cheated on you. Gays and Bi's cheat too.Take a step back and focus. Switching to the other sex is just going to complicate things in the long run and you're probably just running from the pain lookin for an easy way out

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A reader, anonymous, writes (15 June 2009):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Thanks for the advice..It really helped me..I appreciate it alot..

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