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I've got a boyfriend but I have a HUGE crush on his cousin.

Tagged as: Cheating, Dating, Family, Three is a crowd, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (31 May 2014) 4 Answers - (Newest, 12 June 2014)
A female United States age 30-35, *ustanotherlovequstion writes:

Ohkay , so im dating this guy ( lets say his name is ... bob ) bob and I are really close and i really love him , we broke up and then got back together.

( , but when we got back together we werent as close )anyway so then me and his cousin started getting close ( lets say his name is ... bill ) , but as friends and then after sometime bill said that he loved me and i thought he was talking about as friends , so i was like aw tanks buddy i love you too. then he kept saying it and kept saying it and hugging me for a long time and talking to me all the time then he found out i had a huge crush on him and he told me that he liked me too. the problem is that bob and i have been dating for about 9 months and he isnt a bad boyfriend , hes really sweet and u didnt wanna break up with him , so i have kinda been having an affair with bill. what do i do ??

View related questions: affair, broke up, cousin, crush, got back together, I love you

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A female reader, justanotherlovequstion United States +, writes (12 June 2014):

justanotherlovequstion is verified as being by the original poster of the question

justanotherlovequstion agony auntbill and i grew further apart ... he got a girlfriend and me and bob are making out on his couch again. So nevermind ..

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A female reader, justanotherlovequstion United States +, writes (1 June 2014):

justanotherlovequstion is verified as being by the original poster of the question

justanotherlovequstion agony aunti know and i feel terrible for letting myself fall in love with "bill" while i am still in love with "bob" i couldnt help myself. of course i wont tell bob , but i have some friends that think what im doing is wrong and say if i dont tell "bob" then they will.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (31 May 2014):

If you really love Bob how could you start an affair with Bill? Regardless, end it with one, or both, and I probably wouldn't tell Bob what you've been up to

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A female reader, llifton United States +, writes (31 May 2014):

llifton agony auntBreak up with "Bob."

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