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Is this a date?

Tagged as: Dating, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 January 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 21 January 2009)
A female Canada age 30-35, anonymous writes:

My friend and I have never been to the movies alone. This will be our first time going. I like him, but I'm not sure how he feels ... Is this a date?

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A male reader, lovelynightmare United States +, writes (21 January 2009):

lovelynightmare agony auntIt's only a date if you make it one (or he does).

I've hung out one-on-one with certain girls and it never amounted to any romantic outing.

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A female reader, Stayc63088 United States +, writes (21 January 2009):

Stayc63088 agony auntYou can always ask. Or if you aren't too forward or don't want to risk embarrasment if it is not a date, then a good way to tell is if he pays. But then again I have been out with guy friends who will pay just because. Try to feel him out. If he is trying to touch you subtly. What I do at the movie theater is put my arm on the arm rest or somehow make it so my leg or arm is touching his. If he pulls away or doesn't seem interested, that's one way to know. Then again, he may be oblivious like a lot of guys. You should see a scary movie to give you an excuse to be on him ;) Most of the time it is obvious if he likes you. He will walk you to your door or try to hold your hand etc. Maybe depending on how long you have been friends can get confusing on his actions. You can always try to make a move yourself. Be brave! Good luck and have fun.

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A female reader, kitty_3 United States +, writes (21 January 2009):

kitty_3 agony auntDepends on how he acts, if he pays, etc.

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