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Is there anything I can do or say to find out how she feels aside from bluntly asking her how she feels?

Tagged as: Dating, Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (12 March 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 12 March 2007)
A male United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

There's this girl I like (of course! why else would I be here). We're great friends and we can talk about anything. She's always been pretty flirty but I think she's laying it on pretty thick around me lately.

She's been able to avoid my more subtle attempts at finding out if she's really interested or just having fun with a close friend, so I feel stuck. She knows how I feel because I asked her out once while she was dating someone else (whoops!). I know she had a thing for me when we were younger but I don't know if any of that is still there or if I'll just make a fool of myself again.

Is there anything I can do or say to find out how she feels aside from bluntly asking her how she feels? I really enjoy her company and I fear that I will kill our friendship.

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A female reader, AskEve United Kingdom +, writes (12 March 2007):

AskEve agony auntIf you don't want to ask her outright then there are other ways to go about it. Why don't you ask her if she fancies taking in a movie one night? Or ask her if she wants to go for a pizza. The more quality time you spend together the more a relationship will build on its own. Keep things friendly and don't come on to her at all. You'll soon see the signs whether or not she wants anything more permanent and she will get round to letting you know, you just need to be patient!


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A female reader, cd206 United Kingdom +, writes (12 March 2007):

cd206 agony auntYou're not 12 anymore. Therefore she's not going to not speak to you forever because you ask her out and she doesn't feel the same way. Just ask her outright. You're both too old and wise to let it affect your friendship whatever the answer is.


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