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Is there any point in holding on to him hoping he will change his mind?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Dating, Sex<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (7 October 2010) 3 Answers - (Newest, 8 October 2010)
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, *elshlamb83 writes:

my bf of 2 years has walked out on me and our 1yr old son, he says not to take it personally he just doesnt want to be in a relationship with me or anyone else, 10 days later we ended up having sex and are still having sex every week, he says that hes unsure if hes done the right thing by leaving i think he has doubts but is having all the perks of a relationship. im thinking of knocking it on the head, is there any point in holding on to him hoping he will change his mind?

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A female reader, SweetindianGirl United States +, writes (8 October 2010):

a man who doesn't know responsibility after a kid is born, will never know responsibility.

i say find a guy who can take care of you and the baby while this guy who treats you like a doormat realizes what he lost.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (8 October 2010):

Stop letting him use you and force him to decide to work on the relationship or REALLY walk away.

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A male reader, CaringGuy United Kingdom +, writes (7 October 2010):

Every time you have sex, he walks away satisfied. BAN the sex, and tell him to think carefully by himself to what he wants. Suggest to him that you BOTH attend counselling to fix this, and find out what went wrong. If he makes no move after those suggestions, then you'll need to move on.

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