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Is there an age limit to find out if you're fertile?

Tagged as: Health, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (30 November 2008) 4 Answers - (Newest, 30 November 2008)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I was wondering I read a question earlier asking how do you find out if you were fertile and repliers said to go to their doctors. I live in the UK...I want to know the same thing cause I am worried...Is there an age limit for this? What age do I have to be to ask a doctor this? I'm not planning on having a child NOW but im engaged and getting married in 2010 and me and my fiance want to try after that when we are financially stable.

replies welcome, thanks

View related questions: engaged, fiance

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A female reader, birdynumnums Canada +, writes (30 November 2008):

birdynumnums agony auntAn OB/GYN would be the best bet to salve your worries! At the age of 16, you have your whole reproductive life ahead of you, and you don't have to worry too much about yours until you start planning. I'm afraid most Doctors won't start doing tests for fertility unless you HAVE been trying to get pregnant, but if you have specific concerns, such as a female family member who is infertile or needed in vitro fertilization, then he might give you some counseling. The statistics out there range from 13 to 15% of all couples having some problems conceiving. Women have an easier time conceiving and giving birth in their younger years, but most women are now giving birth at 25 to 30 for the first time, a 5 year difference from the age that people started families at 20 years earlier. The only problem is that any subsequent births may come with increased risks in later years if you wait until your late 30's to start a family. I'm not sure, but 40+ used to always be called a high risk pregnancy, even though many women give birth up till their menopause successfully, the risks for the infant do increase. Good Luck with all of your plans!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (30 November 2008):

Dear Poster

You are welcome anytime. Good luck with your studies and your future career. Remember we are here for you anytime.

Lots of hugs and always keep smiling.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (30 November 2008):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Thanks its good advice tbh. I am enjoying myself right now with my life, im studying in college so i can get a good job for my future =] thanks

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A reader, anonymous, writes (30 November 2008):

Dear Poster

you can relax; firstly I don't know what the age restrictions in your country are for fertility examinations and test but by the age you posted I am sure you will be fine and will qualify. I do not believe any doctor will refuse you a normal fertility test. At first it will really just be to establish your ovulation and the release of the ovums, unless you have problems falling pregnant there is no need for nay further costly examinations or tests.

I think you need to relax and enjoy your relationship and cross that bridge when you get there. It should be a very easy walkover bridge and at your age you should not have to much difficulty falling pregnant. Enjoy the practicing until you get there. Wishing you lots of happiness and don't worry about fertility now, just relax.

Good luck.

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