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Is there a good way to break staring at each other without it becoming awkward?

Tagged as: Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (2 November 2012) 2 Answers - (Newest, 3 November 2012)
A male United Kingdom age 26-29, anonymous writes:

I sit next to the girl i like in one of my lessons and a lot of times during the lesson i see her looking at me. When i look at her there would be about 5 seconds of staring and she would smile and her eyes would start to sparkle.

I wanted to know if there was a way to break the staring so it didn't become awkward and embarrassing (because of everyone else in the room)but still seem like i am interested in talking to her.

Is there a good way that isn't awkward?

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A female reader, Angel S United Kingdom +, writes (3 November 2012):

Angel S agony auntI can see how this could become awkward. She seems to like you and if you like her then next time you catch her staring just smile back at her and cut the whole 5 second staring thing!

Try to avoid the eye contact if you're finding it really awkward, maybe talk to her after the lesson, even if it's just Hi, how are you?.. At least she will know that you are interested then and things can go from there.

Hope this helped!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (3 November 2012):

Here's a thought, don't make eye contact with her unless you are speaking to each other. There's no particular reason to make eye contact with someone unless you're chatting with them.

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