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Is it weird to be single at my age?

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Question - (1 April 2012) 1 Answers - (Newest, 1 April 2012)
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I am 25 and have been single now for almost 6 years. I still live at home with my parents and have just a handful of friends. I was recently seeing a guy but that has fizzled out. I worry so much what other people it weird to be single at my age? I feel my life is passing me by and I will always depend on my family etc for housing. I am not happy in my job and would love to see the world but I have no one to go with. I have OCD and think my psychological issues may affect relationships. Although I have been asked out numerous times but have just not been interested in the guys as they were not for me. The guys I do tend to like are not interested in a relationship. I know I need to get out there more but my friends are a little older and have all settled down so it is hard for me. What do I do??

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A female reader, bluntasaspoon United Kingdom +, writes (1 April 2012):

bluntasaspoon agony auntyou take life by the goonies and go it alone. just because your friends are settled down does not mean you have to be. dont worry about going on holiday on your own, its much more fun when you can do what you want, when you want and with whomever you want. i suggest moving out of home and getting a small bedsit or flat to start with. it's never good to be at home with parents who will only help make any perspective partner weary of "going there" with you. they will worry that your parents are in the next room and more than likely run for the hills.

as for the o.c.d. dont worry about it, it's just a little quirk you have and is a great conversation point i.e. "i have to turn the light on and off 25 times otherwise the world will blow up, what do you do to save the world?" make it something cute about yourself that no one else has.

the job thing sucks, i despise my job and would give anything to have a different one but it pays well so i am staying put lol, your only 25, you are going to live until you are about 90 so have as much fun as possible, remember, tomorrow the world could blow up so live each day and make it count.

bluntasaspoon x

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