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Is he lying when he says he doesnt flirt or fancy other girls ?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Dating<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (2 March 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 2 March 2007)
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

if your boyfriend tells you he loves you n the relationship is perfect is it possible for him to be flirty n fancie other girls. i'm quite stupid in the sense that because i'm not flirty n don't fancie other guys that i think he doesn't but is he lying when he says he doesn't...??? come on guys spill the beans

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A reader, anonymous, writes (2 March 2007):

I don't agree with Uncle Stu's advice.

What I think your boyfriend means is that he loves you and so is not "interested" in other girls.

Guys and girls don't have to be so different. If you don't feel the need to flirt and fancy other guys then he could quite easily be the same. I think it's sad you automatically assume he is lying to you. Relationships are about trust - so trust him.

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A male reader, Uncle Stu United Kingdom +, writes (2 March 2007):

Uncle Stu agony aunterm. yes. Sorry to tell you but as a lad i must say, he's lying. he may not be flirting, but he proberley fancy other women., sorry to tell you. move on.

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