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I'm torn between two guys!

Tagged as: Dating, Three is a crowd<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (5 August 2007) 2 Answers - (Newest, 9 August 2007)
A female United Kingdom age 36-40, anonymous writes:

When i first started college i was instantly attracted to one of my lab instructors. apparently he liked me too, he mentioned later when we started hanging out that he wrote in his journal that i was the first person he wanted to meet. Anyways one day he walked with me to a building and talked to me. as i was getting out of the elevator i told him that i would e-mail him (i had already been looking for him online). so i did and we e-mail back and forth a lot. so we hung out on and off for about 2 months or so. maybe like 3 times a month. when we wound hang out he wound drive me around in his car until like 3 in the morning and when their was snow we would go do doughnuts in parking lots anyways hanging out with him was really magical. i went to a different college the next semester so we went down to only seeing each other like once a month. I think he thinks i went to a differnt college because i didnt care about him or something because at this point we had not kissed or anything. i hugged him maybe 2 times. so anyways over the summer he was supposed to go to bootcamp so on the night he left he just pulled up outside and called and told me he was there. so i walked out and as soon as i saw him i feel to my knees. and it was like that for a while i just set there on the drive way so anywas i asked him if he wanted a hug or something and he hugged me and then like as he was getting ready to leave he came over and gave me another hug. so that was the last i talked to him and so one day i called him and he answered and i was suprised because he was supposed to be at bootcamp. after that he didnt call nor did he answer my calls for about 3 months when i asked if i could sleep over at his house for like 5 hours so i would not have to walk 1 mile back to my dorm at 6 in the morning (i stocked). and he said i could so when i came over there at first i slept on the floor. and then later he told me i could sleep in his bed and he wanted to sleep on the floor next to me and then he slept on the bed but i was REALLY cold there and so i got up in the bed wit him. about 4 days later i foudn out he had had a girl friend for about 4 months. i went over to stay one night when he went back home to see her and his friend found some pics in the couch and i asked if i could see them and he showed me at first i thought it was one of his sisters but it wasnt. so that was like 4 years and we still talked on the phone on and off sicne when and i think now he realizes that he made a mistake. but i recently got married and the guy i am with is a great person but i just do not feel for him the sme i felt for the other guy. like with he other guy i could stop talking to other people and not even care but with the guy i am with now i still want to talk to other guys. idk i think that i genuilly loved the ex guy and everything was exciting and everytime i was with him i had butterflied and could not eat. the other guy asked to see me next time he was in town idk what to do. any adivce?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (9 August 2007):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

Actually he told me not to get married, but after being engaged for 2 years I felt kinda obligated. Idk if it was because he wanted to be with me or not. He recently told me that he thought that I would be the perfect GF and that he would say he loved me but he was not sure if he loved his own family. Like he does not really know what love is. My husband and his GF are just alike really. It is like they are constantly like who are you talking to? where are you going? what are you doing? and see my husband will just nag at me and it will be so crazy what he is mad over i have to laugh. His GF does this to him too. I really think it would be easier for me to either die or have my husband die cause i do not want to break his heart. I think i would be happier with the other guy. It just sucks to get in obligations with people and its stuff you have to deal with the rest of your life. I just think thats crazy. Thank you for answering.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (8 August 2007):

its a really tough one

because you got married

and maybe the other guy is not the love of your life but because you didnt have the time nor the chance to see if he was

you are getting a little bit frustrated with your husband because he doesnt make you feel the same way the other one did..

but think about this:

what if you ask for divorce and everything, and you got this great chance to be with the other guy and at the end of 3 months you decide that the love of your life all this time was really married to you?

and you lost him

so you have to decide..

does the other guy has a gf? or a wife?

well maybe the best thing you could do .. is be honest with your husband so he can see your true feelings, he deserves the truth

you have 3 options:

*be honest with your husband and lets see what happens

*forget about the other guy! you are now married, try to enjoy life with your partner! he loves you and you should do the same..

*talk with the other guy about this, and lets see what he thinks and how he feels...

maybe he is the love of your life after all...

the important thing is that you deserve to be happy

never forget this (:

good luck3

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