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I'm interested in a man unsure about the age difference between us. He's nearly 21 and I'm 17.

Tagged as: Age differences, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (21 September 2007) 9 Answers - (Newest, 10 October 2007)
A female United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I have been interested with this 20 yr old guy for a while, and when we were talking the other day he said he liked me but he was unsure about the age difference. hes turning 21 3 months before i turn 18 and he thinks its weird. i told him i have no problem with it, but he is still unsure... he wants to do the right thing, but what can i do to make him more comfortable with this?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (10 October 2007):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

thanks all.. your messages have been very helpful. we are still working everything out, becuase he is going off to school in 2 1/2 months and he wants to be sure about everything (thats what he said). im working on convincing him theres no real age differnece.. and i just wante dto thank everyone!

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A reader, anonymous, writes (10 October 2007):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

thanks all.. your messages have been very helpful. we are still working everything out, becuase he is going off to school in 2 1/2 months and he wants to be sure about everything (thats what he said). im working on convincing him theres no real age differnece.. and i just wante dto thank everyone!

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A female reader, Just a Girl... United Kingdom +, writes (26 September 2007):

Just a Girl... agony auntbabe thats not a big difference at all. im engaged to a 25 year old guy lol so dnt worry. thing is its not even about the age gap. he makes me happy n thats all that matters. so go for it n dnt worry about the age gap. worry about the connection you have woth him. x

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A female reader, Emmajane United Kingdom +, writes (23 September 2007):

Emmajane agony auntThat's no age difference at all. The key is for you to be relaxed in each other's company and to enjoy similar things. Guys tend to me more immature than us girls at the same age.

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A female reader, it's u and me Lukey G Australia +, writes (23 September 2007):

Been there hunni, at then end of the day age is just a number but 4 some reason it seems to take guys ages to realise this. I was 16 and the guy I liked was 19 he thought the age difference was massive and at the time, with me in school and being underage while he was in uni and goin out all the time, it seemed like a massive age difference. But we couldn't not see each other, our feelings were too strong. Once I finally convinced him that it was no big deal we were finally a couple. Now that I'm 19 and he's 22 its no age difference at all u don't even notice it. As u get older an age difference of a few years is absolutley nothing.

Good luck

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (22 September 2007):

i dont think its a big deal.

if you guys where younger it would but now its ok.

but maybe wait untill your 18...

it isnt really that long away.

so just enjoy each others company for now then when your 18,

go for it!

hope it works out.

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A female reader, brooke5426 United Kingdom +, writes (22 September 2007):

brooke5426 agony aunti dont think that age gap is a problem because of how old you both are. if he was 17 3 months before you were turning 14 then yes i would think it was weird. but honestly, 18 and 21 isnt a big age gap. you're both adults and girl mature quicker than boys so i'm sure it wouldnt be a problem. if he likes you enough he'll see that age is only a number and wont care about what year you were born in!

good luck


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A female reader, leanne.od United Kingdom +, writes (22 September 2007):

leanne.od agony auntage is just a number, when you're 20 and he's 23, it'll be nothing! honestly, just explain that and he shuold realise that if you both like each other, you've got nothing to loose!!

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A female reader, missrjj United Kingdom +, writes (22 September 2007):

If your both interested in each other then the age should not be a problem. If he feels uncomfortable about it then talk to him. You could just start off slow and see where things go and not think of the age difference as an issue. Also talk to your family and friends to get them to see what you should do and how they feel about the situation.

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