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I'm 19 & haven't had a proper boyfriend

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Question - (15 March 2009) 3 Answers - (Newest, 15 March 2009)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

i'm 19 and i havn't had a proper boyfriend yet. i'm worried that i'm never going to find someone that really loves me!

It doesnt help that my best friend is stunning can have whoever she wants.

i got friends that are not that pretty or confident but they are in loving relationships. so why hasn't it happened for me??

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A male reader, question guy Canada +, writes (15 March 2009):

question guy agony auntthere is more than one person out there. You are only 19! plenty of time to fall in and out of love my dear

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A male reader, mr41 United States +, writes (15 March 2009):

mr41 agony auntjust try and find guys that want to listen to you..... when you least expect it is when you will find someone

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A male reader, saltwater United Kingdom +, writes (15 March 2009):

saltwater agony auntYou said you want someone to love you, but then mentioned someone who is stunning and can have whoever she wants...they're two different things.

If you want someone to love you, your appearance won't be the sole reason why, if at all,...hence the people who you deem not being that pretty but who are still in loving relationships...

Work on your personality, find people who share your interests, go out to places or join clubs that interest you to meet as many like minded people as possible...then you stand more chance of attracting someone who does genuinely love you, irrespective of whether you're stunning or not.

There's no rush anyway, you've got the rest of your life to find that special someone.


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