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I'm 14 and a boy keeps asking me out but joking...

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Question - (17 May 2006) 4 Answers - (Newest, 18 May 2006)
A female , anonymous writes:

i am 14. what does it mean when a boy asks you out but sounding as if he is joking? i mean keeps on and on asking but in a really joky way and it is so obviouse that he is joking cos he does it infront of the whole class! is he just trying to get people to laugh at him to get attention or does he really like me?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (18 May 2006):

As I am still young myself I understand what you are going through, at this age boys act like this alot. He is probably having feelings about you but doesn't know what to do about them and picking on you seems the best way.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (17 May 2006):

I agree, I think you should just ignore him. Don't even acknowledge his actions - don't react to him. If he wants to play stupid immature games (even at age 14), then that's an issue he has to deal with. If he likes you, he can try showing sincerity and go after you. Otherwise, just sit back and do your own thing.

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A female reader, bonym United Kingdom +, writes (17 May 2006):

bonym agony auntMy dear it could be that he is "joking" to cover up how he really feels. What I mean is, some guys dont like being open about how they feel, so perhaps when he is around his class mates he likes to show off and pretend, but deep down he maybe likes you a lot.My dear, boys, men, guys, fellas, they can at times be complex as so can us girls, but its hard to know whats going on in his head. I hope you find your answer. xXx

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A female reader, Ainley +, writes (17 May 2006):

Ainley agony auntwell been there done that, if probably does like you but being the age he is, hes probably embaressed so he makes a joke out of it. but and i say but, i would forget about him because if he aint gonna ask you out properly one on one then dont bother with him because there is always a chance hes being immature so ignore him and when he grows up he can ask you out the way a young lady should be, plus you dont get pie on your face so win win for you.

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