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If you join a couple who are dating, is that like cheating if your Bf is absent?

Tagged as: Dating, Teenage, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (19 March 2011) 4 Answers - (Newest, 19 March 2011)
A female Australia age 30-35, anonymous writes:

If you aren't with a person like boyfriend girlfriend, and you just go on a date with them. But you are also seeing another guy and you like both of them but not sure... does this seem bad to you? (the seeing two guys at once)

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A female reader, Molly0102 Singapore +, writes (19 March 2011):

I feel that so long as you're single, why not? It's just taking a longer time to know them better before making a better decision on who you should be with. It's definitely better than some girls whom I know of who lead guys on for fun.

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A female reader, Molly0102 Singapore +, writes (19 March 2011):

I'm kind of with a guy at the moment but I went out with his friend recently. But so long as you guys aren't doing anything wrong and that you guys are just good friends I don't see why not. :) The most important thing is a clear conscience.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 March 2011):

This is verified as being by the original poster of the question

But then if i say that, i don't want the guys to think i'm only up for fun and to mess around..

when that's not it,

i'm just not sure who i want to be with?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (19 March 2011):

No, not at all. As long as communication is clear to both guys you're playing the field and out there to date and not seeing anyone exclusive.

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