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If she would go behind his back, she would mine too, Correct? Or should I wait for her to choose me?

Tagged as: Crushes, Dating, Family, Love stories, The ex-factor, Three is a crowd, Troubled relationships, Trust issues<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (24 January 2013) 1 Answers - (Newest, 25 January 2013)
A male United States age 30-35, *ctiveplay writes:

This is a messed up one. I finally found my soulmate. She has a child.

We were together for a year. She hated her child's daddy. We have been apart for 4 months now.

She has started texting me, wanting me to come see her. Here is the exciting stuff, she is back with the daddy, who has just had his 3rd child at the age of 21, by the 3rd different woman.

I told her she was welcome to come here, but she says she says she needs to choose between him and I.

I love her, no question, but should I put this one in the books.

Or should I pursue this? I don't want an answer that says, if you love her blah blah. Thats the thing, I do love her.

But if she would go behind his back, she would mine too, Correct? Yes, its obvious that he is a rebound, but what does that make me now? I am in dyer need of help!

View related questions: soulmate, text

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (25 January 2013):

Mate...seriously? Do not under any circumstances go back to this woman. Yeah you might love her now, but if you have any love for yourself get yourself away from this mess.

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