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I work at a school and am having feelings for this young male student. Advice is needed.

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Question - (16 January 2008) 6 Answers - (Newest, 28 January 2008)
A female United States age 51-59, anonymous writes:

I work in a school, and have been working with a 18 year old male student for a number of years. About five months ago I realized that I have strong feelings for him and what an awesome person he is. I have never told him how I felt (its my issue). About a month ago I found out that he is very in tuned with me, he has ESP! So all of my thoughts of him and how I desire him are known to him, this has freaked me out.I know he has feelings for me. But not sure to what degree,hes not able to communicate. I've lost hours of sleep, and sometimes can't eat. Nothing has happend between us, I would't want to mess friendship,or career, but I always want to be with him! I may not be strong enough to say goodbye when he graduates. Hope he will keep in touch.. Need your help!!

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A male reader, allyourspots United States +, writes (28 January 2008):

I am sorry I have a couple of issues with the issue this person is having, unless "she" is trying to give a general idea of what is going on without giving out to much information for all involved. #1. "She" has worked with him for a number of years, that does not sound right, unless you are a counseler, work in admin or teach an elective that he has taken for a number of years. #2. ESP? If this truely is the case and he does have feelings for you then you should concentrate on four (4) specific events to happen by him for you that shows his ESP abilities and feelings towards you. I am not judging you, for I am not without fault.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (21 January 2008):

Wait until he graduates, and then pursue the kind of relationship you want with him. Once he graduates and is no longer a student, he is a consenting adult and can do whatever he wants. If you both have feelings for each other, then pursue it and see where it goes. Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.

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A female reader, RL89 United Kingdom +, writes (17 January 2008):

Your definatley in a dilemma. Working in a school puts you in a position of trust and if you were to act on your feelings you would be overstepping the boundaries in a huge way. Its very common for a student to have feelings or a person in a trusted position such as someone working at their school, but this is and should be only ever a fantasy. At 18 you are an adult, have you own mind and can make you own decisions i know. But, on the other hand at 18 you are still young and have not had relationship experience. You must certainly not act on your feelings, it would not be fair on either of you. I hope this may help.

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A male reader, ptownpetey87 United States +, writes (17 January 2008):

ptownpetey87 agony auntil say it, cause no one else is.... he is over 20 years younger than you... what are you thinking? your working too much or something. go out, have fun... if you want to be with someone younger, try to keep it less than 15yrs!

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A female reader, O Connor Ireland +, writes (17 January 2008):

O Connor agony auntwait until he graduates!!then there are no obstacles, and no problems with it. if you both like eachother enough then waiting will seem like nothing for wat you'll have!!go for it with him, after all you only live once

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A male reader, Dr Vendetta United Kingdom +, writes (16 January 2008):

Dr Vendetta agony aunthave you never seen the movie the graduate?

i see thing wrong with this. if you're worried about your career, just wait till he's out and then pounce him! you only live once my dear, make it full of good memories!

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