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I was called a homewrecker by his ex..but she seems happier now that they've parted.

Tagged as: Cheating, Marriage problems<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (14 February 2006) 5 Answers - (Newest, 8 December 2007)
A female , anonymous writes:

This is not so much a question, but to let people know how to deal with a situation.

A long while ago i wrote to you all asking advice. It was about being in love with my best friend, and although he was married, it was very un-happy. His wife threatened to kill herself if he left. I was called a marriage wrecker and all sorts of nasty things. Although I felt I deserved some of this, people did not know how hard i had tried to help them repair their marriage. In the end, he plucked up the courage and left. She did not kill herself, and is doing really well. I know she hates me at the moment, but i also know she is much happier and has found a new lease of life. She is always out having a good time, and now the kids dont have to listen to them argue. So you see sometimes all the hard stuff is worth going through. And thank-you to the few that did not judge us xxxxx

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (8 December 2007):

this is just a good thing. I dont think so your the one who destroyed their relationship.

Its much better to separate if love wasnt there anymore in there hearts of both parties. It just happen that you was there.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (17 July 2006):

Just remember if they will do it with you they will do it too you. You have no insight to how the X feels. She may be out trying to enjoy herself and you need to remember you were hearing what HE wanted YOU to hear. You don't truly know what was going on in his marriage. You can't be called anything else but a home wrecker. You helped do just that. You involved yourself into someone elses marriage. Now I'm curious to see how you will feel when it happens to you.

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (15 February 2006):

I did not want a pat on the back, and you dont know the despair it caused. And i do know how this feels as it happened to me. But as I can see from both sides a bad marriage is not a good enviroment for children to grow up in. Thats all i was trying to say. Maybe he will do the same to me? who knows what life holds for any of us. I know i had the same attitude as yourselves to adulter's, but never say never. I was only trying to point out that there is light at the end of the tunnel for all. thanks anyway

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A reader, anonymous, writes (14 February 2006):

I agree with MommyofThree...what was the purpose of writing in to update us all on what your poor behaviours accomplished, other than destroy a marriage. I am happy his ex-wife finally realized that 'taking her own life' was rather pointless and he just wasn't worth it. Now you have him! Hope he doesn't do the same thing to you, someday.

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A female reader, mommyofthree +, writes (14 February 2006):

mommyofthree agony auntI am glad to hear that in your situation everything worked out for the best, but not every situation turns out so well. The people that called you terrible things were probably speaking from some personal experience, either their own or the experience of someone they loved. It is never easy watching a marriage dissolve and it is especially difficult when a third party seams to be the reason for the problems. I am not here to judge you, but it hardly seems right to make a whole post about how you stole someones husband and now his ex is happier than ever. It seems almost like you want a pat on the back for being the "other woman". I really hope that things work out in your relationship.

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