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I want to be there for her to get closure but not sure what is the best way to help her out of this?

Tagged as: Breaking up<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (30 November 2008) 0 Answers - (Newest, )
A male Austria age 36-40, *nil D writes:

We broke off a month ago and we have decided to stay friends after that. we care for each other alot and I can never think about hurting her. she is also a nice person to be with. it has been heart wrenching in behaving like friends and we keep going back and forth. i was always willing to be friends as practically this relationship was not possible and even she knew that. i managed to reduce the addiction on the cost of hurting her whenever i tried to keep distance n she was often hurt by observing the change in my behaviour whenever she expected me to call or text her. But obviously, we both knew this should be curbed!

She has not been able to cope up with the pain of breakup since then. whenever we talk on phone, she tries to convince that she is ok and pretends to be happy but i know she is not and she makes it obvious that she is hiding her pain. she is not quite happy with this friendship relationship yet she wants to be with me. we both understand and have not kept any blind hopes of patching up. she still seeks CLOSURE from me maybe because she feels inadequate in this friendship relationship.but i dont want to get carried away by pitying her emotional state as once we kiss and hug, the next thing we come to know is again we are 'together'.this shouldnt happen! although we have reduced,i still remain in contact with her regularly by texting her(earlier we used to talk 24*7)n dont give her any chance to miss me and become panicy about the state. is doing this wise at this time ? the way i see it is,me being accessible to her to a certain extent will slowly bring her out of it..but i may be unaware of the other side of the coin. should i leave her completely or continue with this ? thanks for ur time ...

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