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I told her I'm bi and now she's telling everyone. What is up with this girl?

Tagged as: Friends, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (4 March 2009) 2 Answers - (Newest, 4 March 2009)
A female United States age 26-29, anonymous writes:

I've explained this so many times, but hey another time won't kill me. So there is this girl I have or thought I had fallen in love with. Everything's confusing right now. I am a girl also. I have known her for about 7 months. I told her I was bi, then I told her liked her and that's when it came to me telling her that I love her. I don't know if that was a mistake or not. She said she was okay with it. But I don't believe her. She is telling people that I like her and that I'm bi. I text her sister once and she said she keeps telling people because she's probably jealous and I don't have any idea why she would be. Now the girl I like is TRYING to make me jealous by saying "I love ?" or "I'm loved by ?" She even asked me if I was and I said yes.

Another time I told her to stop telling people about me being bi and she said "sorry do you forgive me?" and I said "only if you promise to keep the things I tell you a secret." She said "only if you give me hugs more often" She also told me once who she loved. I don't understand why is she doing this to me? Why is she trying to make me jealous? Why is she saying and telling me these things? What's with this girl?

View related questions: jealous, text

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A reader, anonymous, writes (4 March 2009):

Sometimes it's just hard to hold some stuff in, especially when it's juicy. Forgive her.

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A male reader, mace United Kingdom +, writes (4 March 2009):

mace agony auntyo dudeet this chould realy be for a number of reasons we just have to brake it down to smaller chunks 1.she is abit shocked by you being bi but what you tell us i dot think this is the case 2.she is experamenting 3.she is not sure on what to do 4.she is uumm a bad person who likes spreding things 5.she likes\or doent know you brake it all down and only you can make up your own mind hope this helps best wises to you dude et ;-)


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