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I thought my mom would understand when I came out to her!

Tagged as: Family, Gay relationships, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (24 December 2010) 5 Answers - (Newest, 31 December 2010)
A male Sweden age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I just came out to my mom because I thought I was ready. I just broke up with my boyfriend of 4 months the first ever person I had been in a relationship with and I needed to talk to her about it. I thought she'd understand after all she's liberal and I've never heard her say anything bad about the lgbt community.

She called me crazy 5 times, she said it was a phase, I should never see my boyfriend again, she's glad I'm not with him and that being gay was wrong.

I did tell her that she should never bother me again.

The thing is I'm terrified about my Dad, he's super Christian and I'm scared he'd hit me if he found out. He hit me and tried to strangle me when I was angry and messed up my room back in November. I hate this year so much.

View related questions: broke up, christian

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A male reader, Nathan1 Ireland +, writes (31 December 2010):

I was always afraid of coming out to my Dad. He used to be a sailor and I'd hear all there old macho stories. I never got the chance. He died when i was 22. I eventually told my Mother, she told me they had gay friends and showed me a picture of a gay friend of theirs. This man was gorgeous. Turned out he worked on the ships with my Dad, they went to gay clubs in Manchester with him, this was in the early 60's.

Remember your parents were young once. They will only be worried for you, thinking of discrimination issues. Family life. All they want is your happiness. Fair play to you for having the courage to tell your Mam, I was sorry i never told my Dad. I almost did once but i bottled it. Men tend to look at the facts rather than try to envisage the what ifs. Give them time to get used to it, and try not to focus on their initial reactions. Ring a gay helpline for advice.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (25 December 2010):

"he's super Christian and I'm scared he'd hit me if he found out."

If he hit you, he's a hypocrite. Nothing worse than people who claim to be Christian yet do something like hit their own children. Make no mistake, Christians are allowed to make mistakes too, but this doesn't sound like a once off case:

"tried to strangle me when I was angry and messed up my room back in November. "


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A female reader, Fail.. United States +, writes (24 December 2010):

I'm very sorry to hear about that,it may be hard right now but being gay isn't wrong.. it's being you

My mother is lesbian and she thought i would never speak to her again when she told me,but i thought it took alot of courage to come out.

I think you are brave for opening u to your mom and your parents will love you no matter what or even how religious they are. Give them time to process it and let them relize that you haven't changed at all.

hope this helped :(

good luck

update would be nice :o

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (24 December 2010):

Honey, don't be afraid... Being gay is NOTHING to be ashamed of... Your mother was probably shocked. Your father will be too... But they are your parents... THEY LOVE YOU!! They will accept you for who you are once the initial shock wears off... It may take them sometime to understand, if so, ask a friend if you can stay at their house until things calm down... Everything will be alright... Best of luck 3

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A reader, anonymous, writes (24 December 2010):

to be honest i think thats part of coming out to your mom, its not fair how she has reacted, but i think she just has to process it all first for her to get used to the idea, shes your mom and she will love you no matter what you just have to let all this information sink in to her, and as for your father well, you shouldnt be terrified of your dad,but because of your previous experiences with him you are, i would encourage to ring up gay helplines or confidential abusive helplines who could possibly help you more with that sitaution, its not fair what he has done to you, but you are who you are and dont change for anyone, love yourself even if others dont x

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