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I put my girlfriend up on a pedestal and feel like I'm not good enough for her. It's ruining the relationship, help!

Tagged as: Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (15 September 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 15 September 2008)
A male United States age 41-50, anonymous writes:

I'm in need of some advice. I'm an average-looking 24 year old and am currently dating a very beautiful girl 2 years my junior. The problem is that I think she's too good for me. She's so sweet (personality-wise) and pretty and i'm convinced she's completely out of my league. It's reached the stage where I hate going out in public with her because I'm embarrassed by what people will think when they see us together. We've been dating for over a year but I tend to see less and less of her now because I'm always making excuses not to see her. I can't explain it but I just keep putting her up on a pedestal and end up feeling unworthy of her affections. I know it isn't rational but it's ruining our relationship.

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A female reader, Gio Canada +, writes (15 September 2008):


just think...if she is with you, isn't that because you are special to her? out her league? where did you get that from? Put your feet back on the ground and don't ruin what could be a beautiful long lasting relationship.

And...even if you don't consider yourself good looking, she surely is looking beyond that. Your inner beauty is sometimes more important and valuable. So go on, call her, and be with her as much as you can. BE HAPPY :)


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A male reader, Shipwreckd United States +, writes (15 September 2008):

Shipwreckd agony auntMy dear, dear friend. Wow. That sounds exactly like me years ago. Putting a girl on a pedestal WILL ruin a relationship, not to mention your self-esteem and dignity. Try treating her like, oh, a human and more than the components you see on teh outside.

I know you care about her, and believe me there are ways to show her that without putting her on a pedestal.

Here's an idea...what you said here...tell her. Tell her how you feel about her. Even if you have to let her read the post you put up here. See what she thinks. If you can't communicate you have nothing.

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