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I met this man on the net, found out he's married but won't talk about his situation but he still wants to see me!

Tagged as: Dating, Online dating, Three is a crowd<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (10 February 2007) 4 Answers - (Newest, 10 February 2007)
A female United States age , *oslonelygirl writes:

I met someone of an online dating service, it was supposed to be a site for singles. I began chatting with one man more often than the others, we exchanged #'s and began talking ten or more times a day. I meet him for a drink's and ended up kissing him after leaving the restaurant.

The next day, he called and said that he was married but sexless,they had grown apart.I told him not to both me anymore but he would not accept that! I am still talking via phone and the internet with him and see him once a week for "our spot". Always end's with heated energy between us. He doesn't want to talk about "his situation".

So I don't. What am I to do? SOS

View related questions: kissing, the internet

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (10 February 2007):

First of all, he lied. He logged onto a dating site and represented himself as single. Yes, you should report him to the site for abuse.

Second, he is MARRIED. He is not free to form any kind of relationship with you - as you well know. Things have already gone further than they ought to have. Your only real (and decent) option is to stop accepting his calls, and stop meeting him NOW! Nor can you necessarily believe him when he tells you he's married by sexless. He is a liar. There can be no good outcome to this situation unless you break it off. What do you think will happend when his wife finds out that her husband has been betraying her? Do you really want to be a party to that?

Find a nice guy on the site who really is single and who will take an interest in you!

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A female reader, .x..P.J..x. United Kingdom +, writes (10 February 2007):

.x..P.J..x. agony auntDear Online Dater,

To me you have two choses:

1: If on your online dating service you have a 'report abuse' button, then do IT. This will stop him online-saying unwanted things. WHen you talk to him on the say to him: "Look we need to talk about your wife." and start talking-exppresing your feelings. If he changes the subject say "You explain this to me now in full detail or i am NEVER talking to you again." This is the option if you don't want him bothering you.


2: Keep on meeting him, get to know him ant talk (see 1st option) and do fun things that you like-DON'T DO ANYTHING THAT YOU DON'T WANT TO DO.

This is now all down to you what option you pick.

Good Luck!!

Don't hesitate to ask me for more advice.




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A female reader, AskEve United Kingdom +, writes (10 February 2007):

AskEve agony auntYou have 2 options here:

1. You continue to see him and be labelled "his bit on the side", there to be used when he can't have sex with his wife. Picking this option also means you will cause major disruption in his marriage if the wife ever finds out and more to the point, she might end up meeting up with you and giving you a piece of her mind...


2. You have some self respect and TELL him that it's over before any more "heated energy" bubbles up. Tell him to stop being so selfish (using you and cheating on his wife). Then you walk away with your head held high, respect in tact.

It's entirely up to you what option you go for. He doesn't want you prying into his personal life hence the reason he says he "doesn't want to talk about his situation." Sheeeeeeeeeeeeesh! shakes head


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A female reader, cd206 United Kingdom +, writes (10 February 2007):

cd206 agony auntWhy did you tell him not to bother you? I'm guessing it was because you didn't want to hurt his wife yes? If that's the reason then what changed? If she finds out about this she's going to be devastated. It's not fair. He's just having his cake and eating it here. He has you for sex and her for love and stability. Don't you think you deserve a guy who wants you for both?


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