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I like her a lot, but so does my best friend...

Tagged as: Dating, Friends<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (26 November 2008) 1 Answers - (Newest, 26 November 2008)
A male United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

Ok well i really like this girl at school but i dont know if she likes me.The problem is that my best friend has liked her since the beginning of this year and i dont know what to do. I need tips on how to get her to notice me so we can get together.

P.S i dont have a phone so i cant text her.

View related questions: best friend, notice me, text

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A reader, anonymous, writes (26 November 2008):

should remember that if you do get to be her bf or something your best friend would probbaly be real mad at you! ... and you might find out shes not everything you thought she was ... and then have lost the girl you like AND your best friend... so before doing anything think about that stuff...

haha you dont seem like a male aged 18-21 at all.. no offense! if your younger like you seem you are... id say just go for her! have fun trying to get her to notice you and stuff and here are some tips:

1. make it obvious that YOUVE noticed HER- look at her say hi even walk past and stuff... dont overdo it though cuz that can be weird- but give her more attention than any other girl

2. if youre already on talking terms... talk differently to her than other girls... say hi heaps... be smart and funny and orginal- dont copy the dumb things other guys say .... compliments will take you far!

3. smile at her

4. if you ever get the chance to show your interest in her like you have a project or something together- make the most of it and TALK to her...

5. just go up to her and tell her! you might get rejected... but youll find out and get over it and if you dont find out- youll live the rest of your life having never known whether she wouldve like you too!

but if you really are 18 and that really is your best mate and stuff... well id make sure its ok with him first haha dont wanna lose a friend...and if he isnt... a best friends youve had for a while is definitly more important than a crush...

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