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I hear that he likes me, and I like him, but he's asked out other girls. What do I do?

Tagged as: Dating, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (25 July 2008) 1 Answers - (Newest, 25 July 2008)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

I like this boy that I've known for AGES. I never used to fancy him, we didn't even talk that much, but now we're closer and we've become really good mates, and I now fancy him.

I sometimes used to catch him looking at me, but thought it was because him and his mate were talking about me {his mate likes me} so I never used to take much notice of it. Then people started saying that we looked good together and that's when things changed.

One of my mates started talking to him, and they found out that he liked me, but didn't want to ask me out becuase he liked this other girl who's already taken. Recently though, my mate's stopped saying how we look good together and how this guy likes me, so I just assumed that he didn't like me anymore. But now, he seems even more friendly and flirtier with me.

Also, two other girls are in the situation. He apparently asked one out {but I don't know whether this is 100% true or not as he has never spoken about this girl and how he feels about her} and another girl who he's always liked but who is really unfaithful and wouldn't treat him right {which is what I think put him off before, but now he likes her again}.

This is a bit of a weird situation and I haven't really got a proper question to ask.

What should I do? Fancy him still? Or convince myself he's no good? Should I let him know my feelings? Or not?

{By the way, this guy is really great, I don't fancy him because of looks, but because of his personality. He's really funny, friendly and understanding.}

Your advice will be GREATLY appreciated

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A female reader, XxAnGelXxx United Kingdom +, writes (25 July 2008):

XxAnGelXxx agony auntWell personally i think... He's a young lad, all young lads just want the girls, all the horemoans and such, its just typical human nature that he's keeping his options open. Now the next thing, he may not have made a move on you or whatever because he doesn't know if you would feel the same way considering that you haven't said anything, and he doesn't wanna spoil that friendship you have by scaring you off or whatever by saying that he has a thing for you.. I would say, don't give up on him if you really like him. But your gonna have to let him know how you feel if you want to get anywhere. Test the waters first, be a bit flirty, go out to the cinema together (as a matey thing) and see what happens, so its like, dropping the hint that you like him, so he knows that and would feel more comfortable getting with you if thats what he wants. Hope that help sweetie x

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