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I have period problems - can anyone give me some advice?

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Question - (25 September 2007) 6 Answers - (Newest, 26 September 2007)
A female Taiwan age 30-35, anonymous writes:

hi everyone!

i didnt have my period for about 2 months, so when it came, i had them for more than 2 weeks. that's "really" annoying, because it takes a long time before it ends and when i go to school it gets more annoying! arhgh!


ps: do you have any advices apart from the pills? i cant take them, cause that means i have to ask my dad who is really not for that.

View related questions: period, the pill

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (26 September 2007):

if your new to your period this is normal i was really young when i got mine so mine took awhile to become regular and still has lil messups ... cycles can be a pain ... the pill is a big help ... buhh i have the parent thing too soo i just make sure i watch my eating habits diets suck but if you find the right one for your cycle what your body reacts to best and keep to it your cycle will follow

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A female reader, gingertiger001 United Kingdom +, writes (25 September 2007):

if you've just started your periods they will be all over the place for a while!

There are no other options that the ocp (oral contraception pill) as such, there is the injection pill or an implant you can have.

I realise your dad may be against it but the pill would really help to regulate your periods and also make them lighter.It did this for me as i used to have them all over the place.Now i have them every 3 weeks as normal and they last 3-4 days max, used to last 7-10 before.

i would suggest getting some information on the benefits of the pill like what i've described and explain them to your father.

I assume he's worried because the pill is ultimately linked with sex but this isn't the case. Most of the women i know are on it with or without a man in their life!

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A female reader, leanne.od United Kingdom +, writes (25 September 2007):

leanne.od agony auntsometimes our cycle taks a little while for us to become "regular" and even then we're not. that's the best thing about the pill because you know when exactly you're period is going to come. you don't necesserily have to tell your dad and if you do (i don't know if everywhere is the same as england) just explain to him that it's womens problems so he can't comment on what is and isn't right for you. it'll give you peace of mind but more to the point it will control your period so you know when it is going to be.

best of luck

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A female reader, Fairy_Lu United Kingdom +, writes (25 September 2007):

Fairy_Lu agony auntYou should go and see your doctor and get some advice there are other medcations you can take that might help, but there isnt alot else you can do taking the pill is the only real way to control periods.

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A female reader, eyeswideopen United States +, writes (25 September 2007):

eyeswideopen agony auntPutting you on the pill will be exactly what your doctor will recommend, I don't think your dad will have a problem with a doctor's recommendation will he? Make an appointment with your doctor. Your dad wouldn't want you to suffer through menstrual cycles like these.

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A female reader, Manya United States +, writes (25 September 2007):

HI! There are many reasons why your period may have been delayed. If this keeps happening, ask your mother or the school nurse and your family may take to you to a doctor/gynocologist. But one obvious reason is stress. This can make your period delayed.

Also, since you are young, it may just be hormones getting

balanced. Also, it could be related to diet and exercise. Chances are, your period may soon start to get very regular,

to the exact 28th day!

In any case, it is nothing to be embarrassed about, just a kind of nuisance. The good news is,

it's wonderful to be female!

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