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I had sex with him, he had a girfriend, they broke up, but she wants him back, he 's undecided, what now for me?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Sex, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (15 February 2009) 2 Answers - (Newest, 15 February 2009)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, *oney-bear writes:

I messed up this time and I hate myself for it!

I'm 15 years old and i have had sex before with others but this time it was different, i'm not a whore but i had sex with this guy that i dont really even know. he snuck over at like 2 in the morning and he stayed all night long and this continued for 3 days or so. he is my age and he sometimes he would just lay there and hold me and listen to me. but he had a girlfriend at the time. he told me not to do anything with anyone else so i didnt and i made him promise to but yesterday he flipped a bitch and went off on me saying i was saying sexual stuff to his friend and i wasnt. he believe me now...but his last gurlfriend wants him back and he odnt know what to do....and well i really really really like him.


i asked him if we would ever be anything more and he said he doesnt know. 8( what to do what to do?

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A female reader, anonymous, writes (15 February 2009):

hi, im 15 as well and i recently slept with my ex boyfriend, even though he has a new girlfriend. ok, i understand that you must really like this guy and everything, and its quite possible that he also likes you, but he could of just used you as a bit on the side while he had a girlfriend. Or it could be that he doesnt know what to do about this ex-girlfriend, you need to ask him where you stand and what he wants in regards to you and him, or you may not ever know and he could lead you on a bit and you could get hurt. hope this advice is useful :)

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A female reader, SJ_ninety United States +, writes (15 February 2009):

SJ_ninety agony auntSounds like the guy's a player. I suggest you start rearing yourself away. Especially since you had sex with him while he was with another girl. I don't mean to sound like a bitch, but seriously, shame on you when it comes to that. But DEFINITELY shame on him! His ex doesn't deserve that crap and you don't deserve a guy who doesn't know what he wants. Get yourself out of that situation and make sure you don't find yourself in another one like this. Good luck.

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