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I got back with him thinking he'd changed, but he hasn't at all! What should I do now?

Tagged as: Breaking up, Dating, Friends, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (12 August 2008) 2 Answers - (Newest, 12 August 2008)
A female United States age 36-40, anonymous writes:

I have a boyfriend that i got back together with. i didnt know why i did, cause he really hurt me, but i still had feelings for him, but during the time we were not together i started liking my best guy friend.

He is always there for me anyway, so im really confused on what to do, cause my friend doesn't like me back, and i dont want to wait around for something thats never going to happen.

I just cant figure my feelings out.... and my friend found out that i kinda liked him and now we are not talking. my "boyfriend" has been acting like a jerk, thats why I broke up with him and he tells me that he loves me, but i dont belive it anymore cause he didnt even ask for me back.

It's like he was thinking i was just going to take him back so easily cause he didnt love me enough to leave me for another girl! but i just had a feeling to give him his Last chance. I was thinking that he would change but he has not changed At All.

View related questions: broke up, got back together

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A female reader, Emaz help United Kingdom +, writes (12 August 2008):

Emaz help agony auntI understand that you don't want to believe he's gonna hurt you because you love him and you probably don't see that

If hes hurt you before then he'll probably hurt you again

You shouldn't give into him because it will probably just end in tears

I know it's hard to break it off with someone you've had a past with but it's probably for the best

Also try to talk to your friend about everything and be truthful


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A female reader, superrrshawna United States +, writes (12 August 2008):

superrrshawna agony auntalright so dump the current/ex boyfriend because he is no good and work on rebuilding a friendship with your best guy friend!

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