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I felt smothered and we broke up... Now I want him back but he's afraid of getting hurt again.

Tagged as: Long distance, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (6 May 2005) 1 Answers - (Newest, 7 May 2005)
A , anonymous writes:

My boyfriend and I broke up three months ago. We dated for roughly three years, and the last year and half was long distance.

We have had moments where we have broken up before, however, they have been very brief. We broke up due to the difficulty of maintaining a long distance relationship as my career is in Washington, and he has no desire to leave Ohio.

He moved to D.C. when I first moved out here, and lived here for 5 months. I initatied a break at that time because I felt smothered and he was so unhappy here it was affecting my life out here.

So, he moved back and we got back together (long distance). We have maintained a friendship since we have broken up via phone conversations-however, suddenly he has decided he can not maintain a friendship so he can move on. I understand and respect this. However, I am fearful that we have made a huge mistake. I want him back. Yet, he is so afraid of getting hurt again he is not very accepting of this idea.

I know he still tremendously cares about me. I wanted to go to Ohio to see him-as I think seeing me will make a big difference. He has declined this offer. I don't know what to do to assure him that he won't get hurt again or to win him back.

View related questions: a break, broke up, got back together, long distance, move on, moved out, no desire

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A reader, anonymous, writes (7 May 2005):

Well you need to tell him not to be sooo close to you. Just tell him that sometimes you need your own space and you have to appreciate that this man loves you and he isn't taking you for granted or an idiot. So don't be too sharp on the man because he might get the wrong idea and he might be a bit distant and then you wont like it, so think carefully before you do anything stupid and good luck.

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