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I can't get my feelings straight.

Tagged as: Dating, Friends, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (21 January 2009) 1 Answers - (Newest, 21 January 2009)
A female United States age 26-29, anonymous writes:

I've had this thing with this guy for about three months. we aren't going out but we have this commitment thing to not hook up or get with other people. i love being with him but i see him maybe once a week. and we are never alone. he isn't the kind of guy i normally go for. and there is an age difference. like 4 years. we've fooled around and what not. and i don't know i don't feel attracted to him anymore. but i thought we were in love. it's not how i exactly felt when i swore i was in love with my last boyfriend. but when i am with him i get this feeling i can't describe. but i just don't know how i feel. i don't know if i love him anymore or what not. recently i have not been flirting back and i won't say i love you unless he says it first. i feel like i am lying but i don't know. please help me, i just don't know what i feel.

View related questions: flirt, I love you

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A female reader, Chrono +, writes (21 January 2009):

Hey there,

I think its because you are in limbo. You havn't committed when you started going out and you still havn't committed. All relationships have ups and downs. i had a major up when i started going out with my boyfriend and then about 2/3 months later i wondered if i had been doing the right thing. He told me he didnt feel like he loved me for a week, and that put me down for about 3 weeks lol. but im more convinced than ever that i love him and he is convinced me loves me now too - it has been a year and a half. So i think this is just a small downer because he isnt your usual type you are wondering if he is right for you. sometimes different is good. I think you should get into a proper relationship and settle it. It will pick back up again. it may take another month but you have to hang in there. It will all work out!

- Lauren

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