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I can't bear my boyfriend's silent treatment...

Tagged as: Dating, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (21 January 2010) 1 Answers - (Newest, 21 January 2010)
A female South Africa age 41-50, anonymous writes:

Whenever we have a fight, he goes and locks himself away in our bedroom and doesn't speak to me. At first I thought this was just his "cooling off period", but he remains angry at me even after he has had his time alone. Once it lasted for 2 days - and we live together! It has gotten to the point where I am so petrified of bringing our issues up with him that I just push all my feelings down to my toes. It's just easier that way, rather than risk saying something he doesn't like and have him ignore me again...

I googled the silent treatment and was shocked to find that it is actually a severe form of emotional abuse. It is childish, sadistic, vicious, manipulative, passive agressive and most importantly - controlling.

Has anyone else had any experience with this??

View related questions: emotionally abusive, period

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A female reader, Pineknot United States +, writes (21 January 2010):

I am sad to tell you I've been there. I think it is a form of emotional abuse. The person is trying to teach you to keep your feelings to that the kind of thing you can stand? It doesn't get any better. I wish I could say otherwise.

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