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I am having trouble measuring my penis cause it doesn't stay hard

Tagged as: Sex, Teenage<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (10 April 2008) 4 Answers - (Newest, 9 September 2008)
A male United States age 30-35, anonymous writes:

hi, um... im stating to be really weirded out by something, im 17 and my penis is 5.4 or 5.3 or somtimes 4.8, ya see, my problem is my dick can get hard, but then it starts to become soft like 2 seconds after i stop rubbing it, so it will be 5.4, 2 sec later it will sink fast to like 5 or 4.8 so it makes me hard to measure it which is becoming a little annoying

i mean, am i sill growing????? could it also be cause im a little overweight, its really weird, help???

View related questions: my penis, overweight

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A male reader, scottyboy19 United Kingdom +, writes (9 September 2008):

dont worry man this is kkinda normal since ur doing nothing to pleasure yourself whilst measureing. and ur still growing so this is probly the problem as well your penis isnt fully grown utill u reach about 20 so oyou will be ok :)

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A female reader, birdynumnums Canada +, writes (10 April 2008):

birdynumnums agony aunt5.5 inches is absolutely the most normal and average size according to a lot of different sources. The only way that you can gain penis length, according to Dr. Oz on the Oprah show, is by losing weight - if you have quite a bit around your waist. He stated that you can be burying about an inch of penis by carrying too much weight around your mid-section. Quite an incentive to join a gym! Most women aren't very concerned about your penis length, we're more impressed by how attentive you are. I'm sure when you find your other-half, she'll love every single part of you.

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A male reader, LazyGuy Netherlands +, writes (10 April 2008):

LazyGuy agony auntThe size of the erection varies depending on how arroused you are. Being overweight basically decreases the length because their will be fat around the base, so less of your penis will be sticking out as it were.

I also wouldn't worry to much about size, yes a few woman prefer a big one, a rare one might even refuse sex with a normal/average sized man but on the whole it is what you do that makes the sex good, not what you got.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (10 April 2008):

So what actually do you have a problem with - your penis size or that you can't stay hard/ consistently enough to measure it? Whatever, you are looking for problems that don't exist! Enjoy being a man and enjoy the thrill of the chase inasmuch as meeting girls, experimenting sexually and generally not worrying! Nothing to worry about! Enjoy your life!

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