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I am 38 years old, a widow, and a 19 year old, who knows my age, wants to date me, is this proper?

Tagged as: Age differences, Big Questions<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 October 2008) 5 Answers - (Newest, 29 October 2008)
A female United Kingdom age 51-59, anonymous writes:

Hello all

I work for a travel firm, i am 38 and a widow, a work collegue has asked me out, the trouble is that he is 19, i do like him and he knows how old i am, his reply to the age gap is that he wants to go out with a older woman because they are more experienced, is it alright for me a have a boyfriend of 19.

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A female reader, curious_1 United States +, writes (29 October 2008):

Nothing is proper this time and day.I am 38 years old also and I'm currently dating a 22 year old. So far it has been good. We have known each other now for 2 years and now he wants to settle down. I think you should at least try it. Who knows, it may be right for the both of you.

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A female reader, hazelbanana United States +, writes (27 October 2008):

hazelbanana agony aunthe's a teenager, he wants some ass. - my right off the bat response

It IS ok to be any age apart. If you truly love eachother than nothing can really stop you. they say when you're inlove you look past all their flaws, age being yours.

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (22 October 2008):

You are both of age.

If you want to start something up, then do it.

Flynn 24

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A female reader, pashanoodle Australia +, writes (20 October 2008):

pashanoodle agony auntI think I agree with the previous poster...I can't help but wonder whether you may be 'hurt' if he has had his tithrills with you and then goes off with an 18 year old...but hey, that can happen with a guy who's any age can't it!! I don;t think it's 'wrong' or improper for you to date this man - if you genuinely like each other and are both into it - it's fine. I have some close friends - the guy is now 52 and his girl is first we all thought it was a bit too much of an age difference, but they are going pretty strong and have been together about 2 years now.

I think public perception of older women dating much younger guys is still a bit negative (it's fine if it's the reverse it seems) - so if you do date him you will need to be sure you can cope with possible 'backlash' from family, friends, complete strangers etc.

I do think you should have a think about what your motivations for dating this guy are.It is a reality that he is in a different 'phase' in his life to you. At the end of the day though - if you think there is something there, go for it.

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A female reader, LMAO136 Canada +, writes (20 October 2008):

LMAO136 agony auntthat is quite the age gap. i am 41 and single and have been dating and i saw a 29 year old for a while and realized he was so immature that i would have to say 19?....that seems really young. check what it is you like about him. you may be flattered, because that is cool that you could attract someone 1/2 your age, but be aware that he has already clearly stated his intentions are purely sexual. i suppose if you have the same desire just for that as a sexual experience.....but even then you will probably left as i was with the 29 year old saying "duh, why'd i do that?"

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