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How do I initiate foreplay? Also how do I give a blowjob?

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Question - (9 June 2008) 5 Answers - (Newest, 6 July 2009)
A female United States age 30-35, *eLLa8922 writes:

i dont kno how to start the fore play,, actually i do how do i start the giving a blow job since i never gave one before how do i mak ethe first move with that?

View related questions: blow-job, foreplay

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A male reader, pure shade 5 United States +, writes (6 July 2009):

pure shade 5 agony auntforeplay: my wife useley startes that she useley just makes out with a little hugging going on touches my chest takes off my shirt stuff like that not how to begun giving the blow job there are many ways to do that but i think my fav that my wife does is just takes off my pants and just feels on my dick while i am still in my boxers but this is a big plus to me befor sticking it in your mouth lick the head kiss the stick and suck the balls but when u do stick it in your mouth treat it more like a ice cream then just a hard dick lots of eye contact is a big plus but while u are sucking play with his balls it aint just about the shaft itself and when he cums in your mouth dont pull out after he is done just keep it in for a lil after he cums and like my wife says always leave him wanting more

message me for some help


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A male reader, jay27 United States +, writes (10 June 2008):

You got some good advice from "oldfool"---incongruous as it seems "sucking a dick" should not involve sucking! I would add two other things. Before inserting the penis into your mouth use your tongue to flick and tease the most sensitive part of the penis---the underside of the penis head (the "helmet"). This is analogous to the way we guys tease the clitoris. I can tell you this feels GREAT.

Also I find a blow job is enhanced if the girl plays with my testicles while she is performing---but gently please!!!!

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A male reader, oldfool Australia +, writes (10 June 2008):

oldfool agony auntA blowjob is not simply "sucking". That is the worst kind of blowjob you could give.

The best way to start is to kiss him in lots of places, especially on his chest and tummy. He'll be in huge suspense to see if you'll actually go down that far! And don't just put it in your mouth, brush against it very gently every so often and heighten the suspense. When you get to it, breathe on it and kiss it lightly. After a while you might start licking and finally, when things are getting hot, put it in your mouth, but whatever you do DON'T SUCK! Treat it like a lollypop, not the teat on a baby's milk bottle.

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A male reader, iamthesupreamegod United States +, writes (10 June 2008):

iamthesupreamegod agony auntTo start a blow job:

Step 1: Insert penis into mouth.

Step 2: Suck.

Simple enough basics. It's a good starting point. But if you want to go further and try some more advanced stuff... Try looking up some porn. Though there maybe somethings that you need to be aware of. Make sure you know your gag limitations... example... find out how deep you can go by using a hot dog or something with a similar shape... If you gag... that is your limit. Also, if you do well enough, or the guy simply has low stamina issues, you might get to the center of the tootsie pop. Don't panic. Wow... if this gets allowed on the site... I will be amazed.

Also note that STD's can still be transmitted through oral sex. So make sure you know who you are doing.

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A male reader, PeterPan United States +, writes (9 June 2008):

PeterPan agony auntI would suggest that you search here for information on giving a blowjobs (I can guarantee that question has been asked many, many times).

Foreplay... well, it seems like it all starts with close hugging, then passionate kissing, moving on to caressing, then slowly (or ripping off) clothing... I hope you get the idea... I gotta go and take a cold shower now...


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