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How do I get it through to my sister that he does not want her and that she should get rid of him?

Tagged as: Big Questions, Family, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (6 September 2010) 1 Answers - (Newest, 7 September 2010)
A female United Kingdom age 30-35, anonymous writes:

My sister is a retard! She got involved with a guy who is completely crazy. last year they went out for a while then broke up cause he was possesive and six months later they met up and one thing led to another and she got pregnant. since then during her pregnancy he got worse. he started cutting her and her family up and made out the baby wasnt his in public!!! he even tried to take the child after she had it when she was in hospital with it two day after giving birth!

she now has a baby boy and he tries every now and again to visit and was recently visiting weekly to see his son! my sister is so thick that she thinks he is still in love with her and up till last week he was paying child support but stopped because he got a copy of the baby's birth cert and saw that his name wasnt on it. the man still doesnt believe the child is his and my sister still thinks he is in love with her. she got legal support that told her to avoid him.

When she meets people she says that he is trying to keep a hold on her with her son and his future. How do I get it through to her that he does not want her and that she should get rid of him? she found out on saturday that he was out where she goes at the weekend and decided then and there to go out just so that she could see him. she takes her family for granted. my mum and me are left to babysit her child during the day when she goes to work without payment i might add and she stumbles in later after after everyone in home from work for hours to only have time to put her child to bed and decides to go out again.

She doesnt drink but is she not a selfish mother to be doing that to her child and when someone says it to her she turns around and calls us cheeky! if it was me or another sister that got pregnant we would have been told to go and not come back but because it is her, my parents took pity on her and let her live at home and mooch off them.

This situation has put severe stress on me and my older brother and has caused us to mess up our studies. how do we deal with this now? it seems too late for us to pick up our lives because of them.

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A reader, anonymous, writes (7 September 2010):

Your sister is a self~centered person and your parents are enabling her.

To be honest there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. You've tried telling her, you've tried talking...she isnt hearing a thing that you say. Just do the best that you can to make your way thru here, try to keep your studies up, help your brother, and succeed! Dont repeat your sisters mistakes, be a good auntie and just do your best.

Your sister is going to believe what she wants to. She has convinced herself of something totally false, but it is what she wants to believe.

Let it go, mal

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