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How do I deal with my depression?

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Question - (24 April 2006) 2 Answers - (Newest, 25 April 2006)
A female , anonymous writes:

I hope someone can help with my problem. Basically, im 22 years old and I think I have depression. I have always been a negative and gloomy type of person but over the last year I have got so stressed out with work amd money problems that now I dont mentally function like I used to. I always feel sad and I really hate myself. I dont understand how people can like me when I hate myself which is now putting a strain on relationships with friends and when I meet new people. I also get real paranoid and feel like people are talking about me all the time. Im never optimistic and I feel that the whole worlds against me most of the time. The worst thing is that I have no patience with anyone or anything anymore. I obsess over things, especially the past, and at the moment I cant get over a relationship which finished a year ago now and I'm still hurting. I have absolutely no confidence anymore and feel like im not good at anything. Im also very indecisive and cannot make my own decisions - i often ask people to do it for me. I know all of this is not normal I just dont know what to do to help myself. How cam I start to love and respect myself and be nicer to people?

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A male reader, anonymous, writes (25 April 2006):

I agree with Prunella, You should seek professional help; there is no good reason to avoid doing so. Anybody who would discourage you from getting help hasn't a clue about depression. The sooner you get professional help, the better off you will be.

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A female reader, PrunellaGringepith +, writes (25 April 2006):

PrunellaGringepith agony auntThese are the classic signs of clinical depression and I would really urge you to get some proffesional help. If you go to your regular GP he can refer you to someone who specialises in depression. Depression can be a disease just like any other, and there is no shame in seeking help from a qualified person. If you really want to move on and start feeling better about yourself and your future then do this one thing for yourself.

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