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How can he go from loving me to not loving me in 24 hours?

Tagged as: Dating, Troubled relationships<< Previous question   Next question >>
Question - (20 July 2013) 1 Answers - (Newest, 20 July 2013)
A female United Kingdom age 26-29, anonymous writes:

I was seeing a guy for a little while, he told a friend he fancied me and wasn't sure if I was interested. To be honest, I hadn't really thought of him like that but agreed to go on a date with him, I really enjoyed myself and thought he was great. My friends all said I am way out of his league, but I didn't care - I continued seeing him.

He invited me to his place and I met his parents, all seemed to be going well. I liked his family and as far as I know they also liked me. But after that he began to mess me around, he began cancelling on me at the last minute and didn't seem to want to see me or keep up with commitments anymore. I simply told him that I was disappointed that I wouldn't be seeing him and he went crazy at me, saying he was never good enough then stopped replying to my messages.

I messaged him a couple of weeks later letting him calm down and we talked the way we used to, he messaged me saying he missed me and he was sorry. I am all for giving second chances and I forgave him.

We met up and spent a whole day together at his house and had a BBQ with his family, I really enjoyed it and so did he. He asked me to be his girlfriend and said he loved me, I said I'd love to be with him.

Then he became frosty with me the next day and said there was something wrong but refused to tell me what, I text him four times over a day and a half asking what was wrong and eventually gave up. He eventually text me saying he didn't know what he wanted anymore, I said well do you want to be with me, he said he didn't know. I don't understand how he can go from loving me to not in 24hrs.

What do you think is going on with him?

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A reader, anonymous, writes (20 July 2013):

Change is inevitable.

Sometimes no matter how beautiful things are, in a blink of an eye, there would be changes in it.

We can't stop it.

If it bugs you, I suggest give him a silence treament.

Because if you talk to him about it, it might just add insult to injury. He already mention to you, he didn't know what he wanted, anymore.

Give him time to think.

If he will continue to ignore you, then that's it, It over.

People change. talking it over with him will not make him change his mind. It will not make him change what he feels.

if you push it, the more he will withdraw from the relationship. Just give him time to think.

If its over. Then just accept it, you don't have to make yourself self crazy over unworthy person who quickly changes his mind.

Bottom line: what bothers him is his feelings for you not because of his family or anything.

If a guy really Loves you, it does not matter to them if their family is against you, they will fight for you.

So don't think that its because of what his family thinks about you.

Start trying to live life without him.

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